The Calling of Samuel

After watching Bishop T. D. Jakes’ Potters House message from one Sunday past, he challenged those who had “heard” from GOD to challenge GOD on HIS Calling. Taken from Samuel.

Remembering the first time I knew specifically that I definitely “heard” GOD, I realize that nothing GOD does or reveals is done or given lightly. It is for HIS purpose.

I was 15 years old. Had grown up in a Christian home, with Christian parents and Grandparents.

My parents expressed their Christianity by living it. They did not preach. We said “Grace” before meals. Prayers were silently between the individual and GOD. And their love of everyone was a testimony to all my friends, and their neighbors.

Whereas my grandparents, with whom I spent a very large part of my life, from a year of age until I started school, GOD dripped off of their clothing. Prayers were verbally expressed continually. Bible reading was first thing when they awoke in the am (4:30, lol), mid morning, noon, mid afternoon, dinner, after dinner, and before bed. I would sit in the chair with either my grandmother or my grandfather, whomever was reading would read outloud for me. Whenever they questioned anything, and I mean anything, we would stop, pray outloud, stop and meditate if there was a quick reference of an applicable scripture, and if so, read it out loud and ask GOD for clarification to the immediate situation.

Grandparents verbal and out there about GOD, parents silent and their love/actions revealed GOD.

And, they were truly “grandparents”, overlooking so many things and indulging me in so many whims. One time when my grandmother asked me what was on the lunch menu. While I stayed with them, I picked the daily lunch. This particular day, I asked for her homemade donuts and soda pop. I am sure my grandfather wondered how he would get his farming done on a delicacy of grandmother’s donuts and soda pop, but he never complained.

All this to say, I was abundantly blessed with an overwhelming fantastic family upbringing, though an only child whom my mother conceived at 51 years of age.

So Bishop provoked me to thinking, “when was the first time I know that I distinctly heard from GOD”. And truly GOD, not something I guessed or hoped or wanted it to be.

I was 15, at work after school. I started working after school and on weekends after my 15th Birthday; as my choice so I could have an abundance of money, lol. I bought my own new car with cash at 18!

I was in the kitchen at work, and infront of me was a vision of “Uncle Sam” you know, the Poster where Uncle Sam is pointing a finger directly at you. And while I was seeing the vision, GOD spoke to me saying,

What is keeping you from giving your life to me, and serving me whole heartedly, because I WANT YOU!”

I paused, taken back, as I definitely knew that I was hearing from GOD and GOD alone.

HE then said, “I want you to write out a list (I was a list maker, lol) and itemize everything that at this point in your life which is more important than giving your life 100% to me.”

So I went to my supervisor and asked if I could have my lunch. Request granted.

It is funny where I chose to go to write out this list! So I went to a room where we had floor to ceiling storage cabinets that were divided horizontally in half. I crawled into a bottom bin, closed the door, and there in the dark with a flashlight, I wrote out my list. I had 12 things that I believed that I could not do nor be acceptable as a Christian to do or accomplish. Which was simply satan’s lie that he sucked me into believing. Everything on that list would have been so much better if done with GOD’s joint partnership.

Fast forward 6 years later. All of the list had been accomplished, and so far above and beyond my hope or expectations. I was living in another country from my family, and was living alone, without any friends or relatives.

And, my heart and soul started thinking about GOD continuously.

On Sundays and Wednesdays I would go to different churches and park in the parking lot near the entrance, and pray someone would ask me to come inside.

No one did.

Finally after 6 months of this, and no results. My work sent me on a week long seminar to the local University.

A gal sat beside me who had the most contagious sense of humor. We totally connected. On the Tuesday the Instructor told us that we would have to partner up and go to the University library the following day (Wednesday) and do research on our assigned projects.

We met at the University library and spent the day compiling research and preparing our combined assignment. Towards the end of the day, she mentioned that she had to leave by 3:30 pm as she had to attend her church’s evening service which began at 7:00 pm.

I said rather ecstatically, “Oh I would love to go with you!”

Which blew her out of the water and the reaction to her face, I wondered why such shock.

She hesitated, and gave me opportunity to change my mind, as perhaps I was simply acknowledging her investment in church, but was not truly interested in attending.

I offered to pick her up, but she was sure I would cancel out, so she simply gave me the address, and we parted company for the day.

I was promptly at the church at 6:45 pm.

Entered and was approached by a woman who asked if this was my first time attending their church?

I was. I was here to meet with XXXX.

The woman mentioned that she was not here yet, but always sat in the front row.

I therefore proceeded to walk to the front row, center, and sat down.

When she arrived, I overheard the woman at the door tell her that she had company already sitting at her seat.

She joined me. All flustered that I had actually joined her. And went on to explain most people she invited, never showed up.

Once the service started, after the opening songs and hymns, the Pastor started his message.

I looked at her, and said, “I have to go and sit on the alter stairs”.

She tried to discourage me, saying that I could go forward at the end of the service.

But in my heart, I felt like my time was so far, far overdue that I wanted the world to know that I was not going to put GOD on hold another minute of my life; so I went forward and sat on the stairs of the alter while the Pastor gave his message.

The Pastor continued his message, oblivious to me, until the end of his message, when he looked at me, and extended his hand saying, “I know you have been waiting to dedicate your life from here forward to Jesus Christ, and I am honored that HE has given me this opportunity.”

I then made a commitment to walk with GOD, HIS son, Jesus Christ via the Holy Spirit from that moment forward, and have done so for the past 38 years.

GOD is far more subtle now. Often times HE is a like a flash of lightening, bolting through my heart or my mind with a revelation necessary for the moment. HE has never been as “pronounced” as HE was that day at work when I was 15. I know it was HIM then as I never shared the list with anyone, and the list was not humanly possible. Most of the things, it was definitely the Hand of GOD that brought the things to pass, most assuredly not accomplished by human endeavor.

My only regret is that I did not accept HIS offer at 15, it would have been much more spectacular accomplishments on that list, as well as keep me from some bad choices.

In answer to Bishop T. D. Jakes question, “Yes, I have had many known encounters with GOD over the years, and HIS calling, at times has been very specific, and at other times, very general”. HIS anointing is the same. At times very specific, others very general. But I always know when it is GOD I am performing the duty for, as it is effortless and timeless. It seems as if time stands still, and doing it is abundantly delightful. Other times it is simply filling in the gap so that all measures of the “duty” are met.

I hope this is a blessing to someone.