The Presidency Of Donald Trump

I write this towards the close of Donald Trump’s Presidential reign. First off, let me clarify, I am a Born Again, Holy Spirit filled Christian who will most likely always vote Republican.

When I was 8 years old, GOD gave me a dream. I had no idea the meaning of the dream until it materialized in 2016, 52 years later; as has been with all of the dreams and visions GOD has blessed me with throughout my lifetime (I understand the meaning when they come to pass, in HIS time).

The Dream was of Donald Trump receiving the voted, and assigned, title of 2016 Republican Candidate of America.

The Dream began with a man of great stature and presence in a knee length overcoat walking out of a fog, as Donald Trump did when in recipient of the Republican nomination award ceremony.

The Dream progressed with this figure of Trump, at times on a mountain top, clear skies, and then would be consumed by a black cloud of hatred and vexation, as he fought his way through and back upon the mountaintop with clear blue skies.

The Dream lasted what seemed like hours, with the two scenarios repeating themselves over and over and over again.

For years I would ask my parents, grandparents, pastors, teachers what the dream could mean, as it was so incredibly and repeatedly hostile for periods. I never did recognize this as Donald Trump, until the Republican National Convention Acceptance Ceremony, when, as Donald Trump walked through the dried ice fog setting, and the dream then came to life.

The United States of American and all that represents democratic society has come to a very dark and dangerous point in society now with the so called “justification” of corruption of public voting.

I was privileged to work at the 2016 Canadian Federal Election. And although the 19 year old to whom was assigned to my table, found the final counting process tedious, time consuming and unnecessary, I was honored that the Canadian Election Officials were not providing an open door for corruption.

Each voting station had a 1st Official (myself) and a Secondary Official (my 19 year old assistant).

Voting sheets had been mailed to all who had pre-registered. If you had not pre-registered, you could vote on Voting Day, providing: 1. You had Valid Government issued Picture ID, and 2. a Valid Utility bill (within 30 days date) with matching name and address, or 3. Proof of being the Spouse of #1, with your own Valid Government Issued Picture ID.

When the Voting Location closed, each Voting Station counted the ballots in their box. How this was conducted, was all ballots were removed from the ballot box and placed in a pile, with two tally sheets with a box for each of the parties represented and space for three signatures at the bottom of each tally sheet.

First the 1st Official counted and marked the Tally Sheet with the counted numbers representing each applicable party. The 2nd Official then counted the votes, and marked her tally sheet accordingly. At the head of each table was an auditor, and at the other end, an independent, who watched while each of us counted the votes. If on the first count, both tallies matched, the Tally Sheets were signed by 1st Official, then 2nd Official, and then by the Auditor. The final submitted Tally Sheet was always signed by the 1st Official, 2nd Official and Auditor, and if the Independent’s tally was performed, that person signed the Tally Sheet as well.

The Auditor did not sign until both Officials totals matched. If, after the first tally the totals did not match, then the process was repeated. If after the 2nd count, the totals still did not match, then the first Official and 2nd official counted again, but this time, the independent counted following 2nd Official.

Although this may seem prehistoric and a tedious and outdated manner of election, it does keep the hands clean, and the People’s Vote accurate as to what the People Have Chosen As Their Election! How else should a Democratic Society operate?

Of course, to Vote under these standards, Federal Election process in the United States of America would have to change to be a universal process across all states and not the current independent election processing within each state. And is the only choice of a True Democratic Society and Country.

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