My Reflection on Current Politics

With the passing of Rob Ford this morning in Toronto, I wanted to write my reflection on current politics.

First let me say, no matter how Rob Ford lived his life, he is now being blessed by God, and no one can take that from him.

I find it interesting that people have at last discovered “we have the power in our/the vote!”

Far too long, people have either not voted or mistakenly believed that wealth meant proper discipline and operation of our country(s), and thus voted for the most popular wealthiest politician whom seemed the most popular among the rich and appointed.

I do not think that anyone would disagree that it was a brilliant and influential press campaign that secured President Obama’s two terms in the White House.

But I am seeing that people are finally awakening, so to speak. People are realizing that yes, if the middle and lower classes do their due diligence and get out and vote, we can decide on who runs our country(s).

I say we, as to this moment in time, I was born into, and have remained, in the lower half income earners in my country.

But I am impressed and I am thrilled that a very large majority of people have finally realized that they do have the power through the power of the vote to determine the direction of a country, and things are not as they have always been.

The current USA election has revealed this change in the majority of people’s perceptions.  And, I must confess, the political debates have exposed characteristics coming from individuals I found to be shocking, and of whom I would never have detected these less than quality characteristics to have dwelt within them, except for the expose the current arena of the political debates has revealed.  And for that, I am relieved to know in advance, rather than after the fact of the inner voice of traditional politicians.

It would appear that history is carving new paths; my first awareness of a form of grass roots political identity was Toronto’s Mayor Rob Ford.  Not by any determination possessing any Political Savvy, nor a Suave demeanor, Rob Ford proved he could identify and relate with the middle and lower class of people, people who form the largest voting demographic in North, Central and South Americas. And for that, he became the Mayor of Canada’s largest city.  No matter how you lived, God is now blessing you Rob Ford!  And no one will ever be able to take that crown away from you.

Next, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, whom had no political identity (except as being the son of a past PM), with no business administration experience, yet, he captured the imagination of the middle and lower classes with the hope perhaps he could identify with their needs, wants and dire to escape the confines of their restrictions imposed upon them purely by lack of not being born into the privileged silver bowl of the highest society.

And that brings me to Mr. Donald Trump. I hope sir, you are able to obtain the office of the White House. You have never been anything but “authentic” throughout your entire campaign. And although at times, iridescently rough on the edges, I do believe you will do your utmost to execute change within the USA and emerge as a worthy president for the people of the United States of America. Interesting how your campaign has brought to the surface the hidden afflictions of your opponents, both within your party and without.

In closing I must add, as much as I as any woman, would love to see a woman in the highest position of government, I do not extend any respect towards Hilary Clinton.

I see in her the female epitome of the male chauvinism of pomp, wealth and power that it appears the common people are rising up against, At LAST!  To quote one of the evening talk show hosts, “Hilary, you keep lying, and say that you have never lied!”  “Is this a reflection on the characteristics of your husband, and what worked for him, may indeed work for you, when he claimed he had never had sex outside of his marriage?”  A term which he tried desperately to redefine the common tried and true understanding of marriage and sex outside of.  Hilary, you are just a counterpart of what the middle and lower class voters are trying desperately to be rid of, double talking politicians who only want to get richer and increase the titles on their names!

God Bless Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, God Bless Mr. Donald Trump, the next 4 to 8 years will reveal the changes which are yet to come.